< ]> 1.2 ... This interior node is a placeholder for the Memory. urn:oma:mo:oma-diag:memory:1.0 Description See [DiagMonTS] for description of this node. text/plain DiagMonData See [DiagMonTS] for description of this node. SMS This node contains the estimated amount of available SMS storage (expressed in Kilobytes). text/plain MMS This node contains the estimated amount of available MMS storage (expressed in Kilobytes). text/plain RAMAvail This node contains the estimated current available amount of runtime memory resource for system or application software running (expressed in Kilobytes). text/plain RAMTotal This node contains the total amount of runtime memory resource for system or application software running (expressed in Kilobytes). text/plain StorageIntAvail This node contains the estimated current available amount of storage space, which can store data and software in the Device (expressed in Megabytes). text/plain StorageIntTotal This node contains the total amount of storage space, which can store data and software in the Device (expressed in Megabytes). text/plain StorageExtAvail This optional node contains the estimated current available amount of external storage space (expressed in Megabytes). text/plain StorageExtTotal Thisoptional node contains the total amount of external storage space (expressed in Megabytes). text/plain Ext See [DiagMonTS] for description of this node.