]> 1.2 This interior node groups together the parameters of the DiagMon Trap MO. urn:oma:mo:oma-diagmontrap:1.1 TrapConfig This interior node is a placeholder for the configuration information associated with the DiagMon Trap MO. StartTime This node contains the start time and date, encoded as per the UTC based [ISO8601] basic format. text/plain EndTime This node contains the end time and date, encoded as per the UTC based [ISO8601] basic format. text/plain Enabled The Enabled node is used to indicate if the Trap is enabled ('true') or disabled ('false'). text/plain TimeInterval This leaf node is used to define a time interval by second. text/plain ToRef This interior node is a placeholder for all recipient reference. TargetServer This interior node is a placeholder for specifying targeted server as a trap recipient. This interior node is a placeholder for each registration for outward notification. ServerID This leaf node specifies the server identifier of the registered DM Server. text/plain Trigger This leaf node indicates when to send notification to this particular server. text/plain Ext This interior node is a placeholder for extension by vendors or standards organizations. TargetURI This leaf node stores the device internal URI which will be performed 'Exec' command when the trap event occurred. This interior node is a placeholder for each registration for inward notification. URI This leaf node specifies the device internal target URI reference which will be invoked by trap. text/plain Trigger This leaf node indicates when to invoke the URI. text/plain RegisteredServerID This leaf node specifies the server identifier of the DM Server that registered the inward trap (e. text/plain Ext This interior node is a placeholder for extension by vendors or standards organizations. Ext This interior node is a placeholder for platform or vendor specific extensions.