]> 1.2 OMA Push-to-talk Management Object node urn:oma:mo:oma-poc:2.1 NAME Name of the application text/plain PROVIDER-ID identifier for the service access point text/plain ToConRef collection of references to connections Placeholder for one or more connectivity parameters ConRef specific connectivity item text/plain PRE-EST-SESN flag for support of pre-established session support text/plain SIMU-SESNS max number of simultaneous sessions text/plain MAX_AD-HOC_GROUP_SIZE max number of group members in group session text/plain CONF-FCTY-URI SIP URI to set up group or 1-1 session text/plain EXPLODER-URI SIP Exploder URI to send SIP message text/plain TALK-BRST-REL-TMR value for T10 timer in milliseconds text/plain TALK-BRST-REQ-TMR value for T11 timer in milliseconds text/plain END-RTP-MEDIA-TMR value for T13 timer in milliseconds text/plain CONF-URI-TMPLT SIP URI for Conference URI template text/plain PRES-SRV-CAP 8-bit string with individual server capability indicators binary VERSION-NUMBER release version of the Home PoC Server text/plain NW-POC-BOX-URI SIP URI of the NW PoC Box of the Subscriber text/plain INCLUDED-MEDIA-CONTENT-SIZE max size of media content included in MIME body of SIP INVITE/MESSAGE text/plain INCLUDED-TEXT-CONTENT-SIZE max size of text content included in SIP INVITE/MESSAGE text/plain QoE-Use collection of QoE profiles placeholder for one or more QoE Profiles QOE-PROFILE-NAME defines name of the QoE Profile text/plain defines name of the QoE Profile QOE-PROFILE-NAME defines name of the QoE Profile text/plain defines name of the QoE Profile MEDIA-TYPE defines name of the QoE Profile text/plain ToConRef defines name of the QoE Profile defines name of the QoE Profile ConRef linkage to connectivity parameters text/plain Ext A node that can be used to provide vendor-specific extensions