OMA WSP Extended Methods

OMNA registers extended method names of the form 'v-CompanyToken-' (reserved)or 'x-CompanyToken-' (experimental) where CompanyToken is a short abbreviation that identifies an organization (e.g., a stock ticker symbol). The CompanyToken must be at least two characters in length.

Experimental users do not need to register, but the extended method name must start with 'x-CompanyToken-'.

The information to be included in a request may be found here.

See the WAP WSP specification for more information on code page negotiation.

Well Known Values
Well-known methods are specified managed as part of the WSP specification, and include all names that do not begin with 'x-' or 'v-'. There are currently no WSP-specified extended methods defined.
Registered Values
None Registered.
Private or Experimental Values
None Registered.