WAP Forum

Material from Affiliates - Wireless Application Protocol Downloads

WAP Forum Releases
This page lists the latest WAP Forum conformance release, along with the specifications which are in an Approved state, but not yet included in a release. For more information about older releases,see below.
Archive Downloads
The WAP 2.0 conformance release
All specifications belonging to the WAP 2.0 release are listed below per functional area.An archive of all technical specifications is available here:Technical_WAP2_0_20021106[8.8 MB]The WAP 2.0 release is best viewed using Adobe Acrobat® Reader version 4.05 or higher. Changes to this release will normally be in the form of Specification Information Notes (SINs). SIN represents an Approved change against a previously published approved WAP Specification. SINs are used to fix bugs or otherwise revise an existing Specification in the Approved status. A SIN applies to a specific version of a Specification.
WAP 2.0 Specifications
Functional area
Wireless Application Protocol Architecture Specification
Client ID
WAP Client ID Specification
Client Provisioning
Provisioning architecture overview
Provisioning Content Type Specification
Provisioning Content Type SIN 003
Provisioning Content Type SIN 004
Provisioning Content Type SIN 005
Provisioning Bootstrap Specification
Provisioning Bootstrap SIN
Provisioning use Agent Behavior
Smart Card Provisioning Specification
External Functional Interface (EFI)
External Functional Interfaces Specification
General formats
General formats Specification
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
Multimedia Messaging Service Architecture Overview
Multimedia Messaging Service Client Transaction Specification
Multimedia Messaging Service Client Transaction SIN 101
Multimedia Messaging Service Encapsulation Specification
Persistent Storage Specification
Pictogram Please note that OMA have published a more recent version of Pictogram as part of the Browsing 2.2 Enabler which is available from the OMA RELEASE PROGRAMME pages
WAP Pictogram Specification
OMA-WAP- TS - Pictogram -V1_1- 20050608-D
WAP Pictogram Specification
WAP Pictogram SIN
WAP Pictogram SIN
Push Architectural Overview
Push OTA Protocol Specification
Push OTA Protocol SIN
Push OTA Protocol SIN
Push Access Protocol Specification
Push Access Protocol SIN
Push Proxy Gateway Service Specification
Push Proxy Gateway Service SIN
Push Message Specification
WAP Service Indication Specification
WAP Service Indication SIN
WAP Service Loading Specification
WAP Service Loading SIN
WAP Cache Operation Specification
WAP Cache Operation SIN
WAP Synchronisation Specification
use Agent Profile (UAProf)
use Agent Profiling Specification
Wireless Application Environment
Wireless Application Environment Specification
WAP Media Types Specification
XHTML Mobile Profile Specification
Wireless Markup Language version 2 Specification
Wireless Markup Language version 1.3 Specification
Wireless Markup Language version 1.3 SIN
Wireless Markup Language version 1.3 SIN
Wireless Markup Language version 1.3 SIN
WML Transformations Specification
Binary XML Content Format Specification
Binary XML Content Format SIN 105
Wireless profile Cascading Style Sheet Specification
Wireless profile Cascading Style Sheet SIN
WAP Caching Model Specification
Wcript Language Specification
Wcript Language SIN
Wcript Standard Libraries Specification
Wcript Standard Libraries Specification
HTTP State Management Specification
HTTP State Management SIN
Wireless Protocols
Wireless profiled TCP Specification
Wireless profiled HTTP Specification
Wireless profiled HTTP SIN 001
WDP/WCMP Wireless Data Gateway Adaptation Specification
Wireless Datagram Protocol Specification
Wireless Control Message Protocol Specification
WAP over GSM USSD Specification
WAP over GSM USSD Specification
Wireless Transaction Protocol Specification
Wireless Transaction Protocol Specification
Wireless Session Protocol Specification
End-to-end Transport Layer Security Specification
End-to-end Transport Layer Security SIN 101
Wireless Security
Wcript Crypto API Library Specification
Wcript Crypto API SIN 101
Wireless Identity Module Specification
Wireless Identity Module Specification
Wireless Identity Module Specification
Wireless Transport Layer Security Specification
Wireless Transport Layer Security SIN 100
Wireless Transport Layer Security SIN 101
Wireless Transport Layer Security SIN 102
WAP Certificate profile Specification
WAP Certificate profile SIN 104
WAP Certificate profile SIN 105
WAP Public Key Infrastructure Specification
WAP Public Key Infrastructure SIN 103
WAP Public Key Infrastructure SIN 105
WAP TLS Profile and Tunneling Specification
WAP TLS Profile and Tunneling SIN 100
Wireless Telephony Application (WTA)
Wireless Telephony Application Specification
Wireless Telephony Application Interface Specification
WTAI, GSM Specific Addendum
WTAI, IS-136 Specific Addendum
WTAI, PDC Specific Addendum
WTAI, IS95 Specific Addendum
Recent changes to the release
One SIN added to the release
The SIN has been added to the release
Note that a new version of a UAProf speciciation published September 9 have been revoked, due to procedural issues. The current version published on this page is the one that should be used
The Class Conformance Requirements (CCR) for WAP 2.0 is available
The following SINs have been added to the release
The previously published zip file with all specifications and SINs belonging to WAP 2.0 was faulty and has been replaced
The DTD for XHTP 1.0 contained a bug in the xhtml-mobile10-model-1.mod file. This has been corrected and the corresponding zip file has also been updated.
New SINs added to the release
New baseline document created, incorporating SINs written against it
Two SINs added to the release
The following specification has been updated to incorporate SINs written against it
Two additional SINs added to the release
The WAP-238-WML-20010911-a was not generated correctly and has been replaced with a new, readable version
The WAP 2.0 release has been completed (all specification have been approved). New versions available of the following specifications
The WML 1.3 specification has also been added along with the corresponding SINs
Also, the following specifications have been updated to incorporate all of the SINs written against them
The following SINs have been added to the release
The push architecture overview has been approved as a WAP 2.0 specification and the approved version of the document has been made available at the site
A SIN for the GSM over USSD specification has been added
The DTD for client provisioning has been corrected,see
The persistent storage specification has been approved as a WAP 2.0 specification and the approved version of the document has been made available at the site
DTDs associated with WAP 2.0
A Document Type Definition (DTD) is a formal description in XML declaration syntax of a particular type of document. It sets out what names are to be used for the different types of element, where they may occur, and how they all fit together. The following DTDs are associated with WAP 2.0
DTDs associated with WAP 2.0
WAP Client Provisioning DTD
http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wta-wml12.dtd (it is recommended to use the WML2 DTD for WTA in this release)
XSLT transformation sheets associated with WAP 2.0
As a part of WAP 2.0, an XSLT transformation sheet has been defined to convert WML1.3 to WML2.0. Transformation is needed to support backwards compatibility in the case that an implementation of WAP 2.0 relies on a common WML2.0 use agent rather than a dual-browser with a WML1.3 use agent and an XHTML Basic Profile use agent. The following XSLT transformation sheet is associated with WAP 2.0 http://www.wapforum.org/xslt/wap-244-wmltr.xsl
WAP 2.0 Certification documents
WAP-262, WAP 2.0 Class Conformance Requirements WAP-262-ClassConform-20020517-a
Related WINA information
General certification documents
The following documents are applicable for all WAP Forum conformance releases after WAP 1.1.WAP-273, WAP conformance process and certification policy:WAP-273-CertPolicy-200010831-a WAP-221, Specification of WAP Conformance Requirements:WAP-221-CREQ-20010425-a
Other Approved Specifications
The following specifications have been approved by the WAP Forum, but have not yet been included in a conformance release. These specifications will be rolled into the next conformance release. All are PDF files
WAP-256, WAP Location Framework Overview Specification
WAP-257, WAP Location Protocols Specification
WAP-258, WAP Location XML Document Formats Specification
WAP-263, WAP External Functional Interface Class Definition Process
WAP-267, WAP External Functional Interface Manage Application Class
Informal notes
This section lists the WAP Forum(tm)Informal Notes. An Informal Note document represented the output of an officially chartered WAP Forum(tm)working group.Informal Notes had no official WAP Forum(tm)status, and are not ratified or endorsed by the Open Mobile Alliance. Informal Notes were intended as a means by which a Working Group can publish information that may be of interest to the public, but which were not appropriate for the formal Specification process of the WAP Forum.(tm)
WAP 218 - Wireless Application Protocol - Best Practices and Recommentations for authoring WML content in a generic fashion
Prior releases of the WAP Specification Suite can be found here:
Releases Archives
Zip File Size
Associated DTDs
2.99 MB
Related WAP Forum Releases