LwM2M API Registry

Functions, V1

The LwM2M Registry API, developed and maintained by the Open Mobile Alliance Naming Authority (OMNA), is a critical tool for accessing metadata information about various objects within the LwM2M ecosystem. Developed by OMA, this API allows users to retrieve detailed metadata for all object versions, specific objects, or the latest object versions through structured URLs. The API provides essential functions such as Objects Discovery and Object Retrieval, with clear error codes to guide users in case of incorrect requests. The metadata includes comprehensive details like object descriptions, identifiers, links to XML descriptions, visibility statuses, technical specifications, unique URNs, and registration ownership. This API is indispensable for developers and organizations looking to integrate or manage IoT devices within the LwM2M framework, ensuring they have access to up-to-date and precise metadata for efficient operation and development.


This table lists the functions available on the OMA LwM2M Registry API version 1. This API provides access to the content on the LwM2M Registry DDF.

Basic Function

Function URL Description
Objects Discovery lwm2m/v1/Object Retrieve a JSON file containing all the metadata information on all the Object Versions.
lwm2m/v1/Object?ObjectVersion=latest Retrieve a JSON file containing all the metadata information with the latest version of the Objects.
Get an Object lwm2m/v1/Object?ObjectID=12 Retrieve a JSON file containing metadata information on Object 12.
lwm2m/v1/Object?ObjectID=12&ObjectVersion=latest Retrieve a JSON file containing metadata information with the latest version of Object 12.
lwm2m/v1/Object?ObjectID=12&ObjectVersion=1.0 Retrieve a JSON file containing metadata information on Object Version 1.0 of Object 12.

Note case ObjectVersion is included with a value other than "latest", then ObjectID must be included.

Error Codes

HTTP Code Error Description
400 ObjectID must be included when ObjectVersion is set to "latest".
404 Specified ObjectID and/or ObjectVersion is not in the Registry.

Metadata Information

This is the metadata information that will be available via this API. This information is not the content of the Object but the metadata information that defines or classifies the Object itself in our system.

Element Description
<Description> Description of the Object.
<Label> Who has defined the Object:
0 = defined by OMA
1 = defined by external Standards Development Organization
2 = private or individual registration
<Name> Object Name.
<ObjectID> Object ID.
<ObjectLink> URL to the XML file describing the Object.
<ObjectLinkVisible> 0 = if the link to the Object should not be visible,
1 = if the link to the Object should be visible
<SpecLink> URL to the Technical Specifications (TS).
<SpecLinkVisible> 0 = if the link to the TS should not be visible,
1 = if the link to the TS should be visible
<URN> Object unique URN.
<Owner> Name of the organization that has registered the Object.
<Ver> Version of the Object.
<VortoLink> URL to this object in Vorto.