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This is the display format for the ShCarousel constructor, designed to showcase its capabilities.

Example Basic

This is how it is constructed

title: This is Carousel component, testing title
subtitle: This is subtitle
  - component: ShMicroCard
      urlImage: "https://assets-global.website-files.com/5e19ea5aa7d3a217492e372b/624de949df5a11680ab170b9_Axios%20logo%20-%20RGB%20-%20minimum%20space.png"
      urlWrapper: "https://www.axios.com/"
      title: "Microsoft sets non-profit to cut software related carbon emissions."
      subtitle: "Axios gets you smarter, faster on what matters."
      text: "This is a representation of [additional](https://www.nasa.gov/) field for text, if it is needed. It also has a *full Markdown capability*."
  - component: ShMicroCard
      urlImage: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Coca-Cola_logo.svg/1920px-Coca-Cola_logo.svg.png
      urlWrapper: https://www.coca-colacompany.com/
      title: Can't Beat The Real Thing
      subtitle: Slogan used in USA, UK, Ireland & Canada
      text: This slogan Coca-Cola used in 1990s until 1993 when it got changed to Always Coca-Cola
  - component: ShMicroCard
      urlImage: https://logowik.com/content/uploads/images/apple-black8038.jpg
      ui.image: h-40 w-55
      urlWrapper: https://www.apple.com/
      title: Think Different
      subtitle: Apple
      text: Shows the brand that built over the years using innovation to create its impact on the users.
  - component: ShMicroCard
      urlImage: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cb/41/b0/cb41b0abf391e4fd2a8a2f8f91236928.png
      ui.image: h-40 w-55
      urlWrapper: https://rog.asus.com/
      title: Republic of Gamers
      subtitle: For Those Who Dare
      text: ROG makes the best hardware for PC gaming, eSports, and overclocking. Our innovations deliver top performance and premium experiences for everyone.

You can add images to itas well:

NASA Images

NASA has always told its story through its images, a few of which have become icons of human history.

Here is shown how to add images:

  title: text-left
  subtitle: text-left -mb-8
title: NASA Images
subtitle: NASA has always told its story through its images, a few of which have become icons of human history.
  - urlImage: https://images-assets.nasa.gov/image/iss071e403651/iss071e403651~medium.jpg
  - urlImage: https://images-assets.nasa.gov/image/iss071e378497/iss071e378497~medium.jpg
  - urlImage: https://images-assets.nasa.gov/image/iss071e365062/iss071e365062~medium.jpg
  - urlImage: https://images-assets.nasa.gov/image/iss071e378611/iss071e378611~medium.jpg


These are the properties and attributes associated with the ShCarousel constructor:

Properties and Attributes Description

The ShCarousel constructor represents a carousel component that supports rotating slides, navigation controls, and automatic slide transitions. Below is a detailed description of the properties and attributes used in the ShCarousel constructor.

Property Attribute Default Description
ui n/a n/a The ui property in the component is a configuration object that allows customization of various styling aspects of the component. Each attribute within the ui property targets a specific part of the component display, providing detailed control over its appearance and layout. Below is a detailed description of each attribute within the ui property:
wrapper config.wrapper Defines the overall styling for the carousel container.
inner config.inner Defines the styling for the inner sliding container.
title config.title Styles applied to the title text, such as font size and color.
subtitle config.subtitle Styles applied to the subtitle text, such as font size and color.
image config.image Styles applied to the image element, including properties like size and border radius.
indicators config.indicators Defines the styling for the carousel indicators (pagination dots).
icon config.icon Defines the styling for icons or in this context indicators such as scale when hover, color change etc.
component n/a n/a In order to use any component inside ShCarousel, this prop must be used. It is mandatory to use it for each new component that you wish to add to ShCarousel constructor.
items n/a n/a An array of slide items, each with a component and its props.
urlImage n/a n/a The source URL of the image to be displayed.
altImage n/a n/a Alternative text for the image, used for accessibility and in case the image fails to load.
icon n/a n/a Intended to define the icon used for indicators.
description n/a n/a Intended to be used as a help to content writer. Doesn’t render on the website.


These style properties can be modified via ui and are stored in the ShCarousel.ts:

export default {
    wrapper: "relative flex items-center w-full mt-10 overflow-hidden",
    title: "text-3xl font-bold text-center dark:text-gray-100",
    subtitle: "text-2xl text-center dark:text-gray-300 -mt-5",
    inner: "flex transition-transform duration-500 ease-in-out",
    image: "w-full h-auto max-h-500 object-cover",
    indicators: "mt-6 w-full text-center",
    icon: "hover:scale-125 duration-300 dark:text-gray-300 dark:hover:text-gray-100",
    // Default Tailwind CSS values
    default: {

Class Descriptions

These represent the class values utilized in the exported object. These values are customizable and can be strengthened or overridden through the ui properties' attributes.


  • Value: "relative flex items-center w-full mt-10 overflow-hidden"
  • Description: Defines the overall container styles. The value "relative flex items-center w-full mt-10 overflow-hidden" sets a relative positioning (relative), uses flexbox layout (flex), centers items (items-center), makes the container full-width (w-full), adds a top margin of 10 units (mt-10), and hides overflow (overflow-hidden).


  • Value: "text-3xl font-bold text-center dark:text-gray-100"
  • Description: Sets the title styles. The value "text-3xl font-bold text-center dark:text-gray-100" makes the text 3xl in size (text-3xl), bold (font-bold), centers the text (text-center), and applies a light gray color in dark mode (dark:text-gray-100).


  • Value: "text-2xl text-center dark:text-gray-300 -mt-5"
  • Description: Sets the subtitle styles. The value "text-2xl text-center dark:text-gray-300 -mt-5" makes the text 2xl in size (text-2xl), centers the text (text-center), applies a medium gray color in dark mode (dark:text-gray-300), and adds a negative top margin of 5 units (-mt-5).


  • Value: "flex transition-transform duration-500 ease-in-out"
  • Description: Specifies styles for the sliding container. The value "flex transition-transform duration-500 ease-in-out" uses flexbox layout (flex), adds a transition effect for the transform property (transition-transform), with a duration of 500ms (duration-500), and smooth easing (ease-in-out).


  • Value: "w-full h-auto max-h-500 object-cover"
  • Description: Defines styles for the images. The value "w-full h-auto max-h-500 object-cover" stretch to 100% of its container's width, adjust its height automatically, limit its maximum height to 500 pixels, and ensure its content covers the entire area while maintaining its aspect ratio.


  • Value: "mt-6 w-full text-center"
  • Description: Defines styles for the indicators (pagination dots). The value "mt-6 w-full text-center" adds a top margin of 6 units (mt-6), makes it full-width (w-full), and centers the text (text-center).


  • Value: "hover:scale-125 duration-300 dark:text-gray-300 dark:hover:text-gray-100"
  • Description: Defines styles for the navigation icons. The value "hover:scale-125 duration-300 dark:text-gray-300 dark:hover:text-gray-100" scales up the icon on hover (hover:scale-125), with a duration of 300ms (duration-300), sets a medium gray color in dark mode (dark:text-gray-300), and changes to light gray on hover in dark mode (dark:hover:text-gray-100).


  • Value: {}
  • Description: Placeholder for default Tailwind CSS values. This can be used to set any default styles if needed.

These style properties ensure that the ShCarousel is visually appealing and flexible, allowing for a wide range of customization to meet specific design requirements.